Thursday, April 12, 2018

Don't Give Away Your Power!

We all walk around like a closed book, but everyone of us has a story...stories filled with terror, tragedy, betrayal or unfairness. And we all have scars. Some of our scars are physical and cannot be hidden. But some are emotional and cannot be seen. One may look to have survived life unscathed, appear to have it all together, seem to have everything going their way...but it would be foolish to believe such a thing...and the enticing trap of "my life has been ruined" lies deceitfully waiting as a tiger about to pounce on their prey, to destroy the one who chooses to hand over their power to overcome, to heal, to thrive and survive. Don't get me wrong. I'm not downplaying the horrendous effects of the harsh realities of life. But I have witnessed the power of grit and courage, in my personal life, and in the lives of others who have determined to change the outcome of their life story. It's never an easy thing, but choosing to be a survivor, to overcome, to learn lessons, to recognize blessings, to forgive, to become an advocate, to rise to the challenge, instills courage, enables growth, and leads to otherwise unforeseen opportunities to inspire and encourage, and make a difference in the lives of others. 

So how does one choose to be a survivor, to find grit and courage to rise above the cruel injustices of life? Here are some ideas that might be helpful:
  • Recognize the perceived advantages of victim mentality: First: It feels good to get sympathy and attention from other people. However, eventually people grow tired of it and move on. Second: It protects you from risking rejection or failure, but traps you in a cycle of excuses, keeping you from taking any necessary action. Third: It allows you to avoid making any difficult decisions or choices, but ultimately keeps you from taking control of your own life. There is power to saying NO! to the victim mentality.
  • Be OK with finding a new way to define yourself. Choosing not to focus on what's happened to you, the need for revenge or retribution, or on the unfairness of the hand life has dealt you empowers you to find courage, take risks, create your own happiness, find ways to serve and bless the lives of others.
  • Take personal responsibility for your own life. Stop looking for someone or something to blame when things don't go the way you want them to, when you make a mistake, when life gets hard, or when you feel overwhelmed. Things happen. People judge. The words and actions of others are sometimes hurtful. The weather is unpredictable. Freak accidents come out of nowhere. Crime, death, illness, financial ruin, debilitating accidents, broken trust, ruined relationships, embarrassing incidents...they all happen. You are not alone. The world is not out to destroy you. 
  • Express gratitude. Look at all of the people who DO love you, all of the things that ARE going right in your life. And remember there is ALWAYS someone who has it worse off than you do. Count your blessings. Name them ONE by ONE. There is power in a grateful heart.
  • Choose forgiveness. It's not so much for the person who has harmed or deceived you, as for the peace you will feel in your heart if you choose to let go and move on. Forgiveness doesn't mean pretend like nothing happened and go be best friends with the one you're forgiving. You need boundaries. And you may need to remove yourself from their toxicity. "Turn the other cheek" sometimes means, turn and walk away. Don't let anger, malice, revenge, or contempt rule your life or steal your heart. Let go. And move on. It's no longer yours.
  • Find someone to serve. The best and most effective healing comes when we reach outside of ourselves. Volunteer in your community, mow a neighbor's lawn, teach a child a new skill, participate in a the one who makes the difference.
  • Cut yourself some slack. Some days will be easier than others. Cry the tears, talk about the hard stuff, deal with the emotions, and don't ignore the pain. Pain is a signal to your body and mind that something needs attention to promote healing. Pay attention. But don't draw unnecessary attention.
Healing is hard. Finding courage can much of the time prove to be a daunting task, but it far outweighs the benefits of drowning in self pity. Surround yourself with people who are strong, and encouraging, and determined to make the best they can with the life they've been given, and you will be filled with well deserved peace and joy, and a life very much worth living!

I'm all in! Are you with me?

Monday, April 2, 2018

Raw and Real

A brutally honest journal entry:
Life sucks. It's harsh and unfair and I feel like my head might just explode. My heart aches with a pain no one should have to deal with. My stomach is churning and my brain is foggy. I hate going to bed at night because I dread getting up in the morning. I'm so angry and frustrated and disappointed. Fear is my constant companion. I feel lonely and isolated. It's exhausting to try to get to know new people and it causes so much anxiety I feel like throwing up. I want so much to run back to the place I called home for 39 years, to throw myself at the feet of those I called friends, and yet I have so much crap on my plate I don't think I could keep from drowning them with my tears. There would be no conversation. My family relationships, both in my family of origin and with my husband and children, are a shattered mess. There is avoidance, finger pointing, broken trust, depression and anxiety, rebellion, and even estrangement. I'm working so hard on my personal issues, trying to step up my game, and trying (but failing miserably) to be strong and hopeful and encouraging. I'm trapped in emotional quicksand and it feels as though I'm about to go under.

But I will not give up...
  • Because I know God is with me. I talk to him every day. He listens, and for just a few minutes while we talk, he wraps me in a warm blanket of peace. He doesn't take away the pain or the fear or the disappointment or the anger, but gently reminds me that I'm never alone and replenishes my courage and strength. He is my refuge from the raging storms in my life. He allows me to talk to him anytime, for as long as I want, as many times a day as I deem necessary. He is never too busy. I am his top priority at any given moment.
  • Because I am a valid valuable human being deserving of love and happiness.
  • Because I know "this too shall be a memory" as there are better brighter days to come...eventually. And I will wait patiently while trying to see the lessons and the blessings in my current circumstances.
  • Because I understand this isn't all about me. This isn't just my story. My loved ones are also hurting and probably feeling an enormous amount of pain, fear, disappointment, and anger. Even though we are each immeasurably broken, we are all "in this together".
So for today, and tomorrow, and for every day for the remainder of time I have to deal with this crappy overwhelming mess, I will embrace the suck. I will keep moving. I will continue reaching up and digging deep. I will allow myself to mourn what should have been,  and take a break from life when I feel myself begin to crumble under the heaviness of it all, taking great strides to make sure my needs are met on every level. I will strive to act and react with  kindness and patience, but take a time out when I find it necessary to replenish those commodities. I will create my own happiness, and try to spread a little sunshine wherever I go. And when the crashing waves of trial and heartache finally recede for a time, I will cherish the opportunity to breathe deeply, then exhale a long sigh of relief, and heartfelt gratitude, for the simple profound truth that life has not destroyed me.

I'm all in! Are you with me?