Thursday, November 16, 2017

I Am Thankful Thorns Have Roses

Several years ago, my family moved into a new house with no yard, located in a windy, sage brush laden desert of a neighborhood. For obvious reasons, everyone who had previously moved in to this fairly new development, chose to lay sod instead of planting seed. We were warned about the hazards of attempting to "grow a yard vs laying sod" in such precarious conditions, but were determined to save money and chose the seed route instead. It was fall, and preparing the ground for planting took a lot more time and patience than I had anticipated, but we persevered with the endless tilling and raking of the rock filled sandy soil until it was just right. 

With the seed finally planted, we began the process of waiting anxiously and with eagerness, for a sign that our efforts had paid off. Surprisingly, I found myself quite intrigued with the prospect of new growth, and often laid down on the walkway leading to our front door to more closely examine the fruits of our labor. And one day, my heart exploded with excitement when I observed the first tiny shoots of green boldly burst through that tediously prepared soil. 

All too soon, winter came and snow quickly covered our sparsely covered "lawn". We could only hope that it survived with a good chance of thriving in the spring. As winter came to a close, and the snow began to disappear, I cheered with delight when I noticed the grass in our yard had grown to be thick and healthy and lush...truly a most beautiful sight for my eyes to behold. Grass, which I had always taken for granted, quickly became something I more deeply appreciated.

I oftentimes find myself "going through the motions of life". Sometimes I have to remind myself to get out of "auto pilot" and engage my senses. Do you ever just sit quietly and really open your eyes to what's around you? Recently, I took my 4 year old grand daughter on a walk to the grocery store. I was inspired by her wonder and curiosity of all there was around her in the short distance we covered. We stopped for some time to observe butterflies hovering in a patch of flowers, watched with amazement as a young man skillfully operated a piece of equipment with a remote control to smooth a plot of dirt to perfection in preparation for a new piece of construction, we tested and celebrated our amazing balancing skills on the curb of the sidewalk, and chattered happily about cute bouncy puppies and kittens.

How long since you've opened your ears to the sounds around you? My heart sinks in sadness at the sound of an ambulance siren, knowing someone is not faring so well due to illness or accident, while evoking in me a sense of gratitude for my own physical well-being. The chirping of birds, the buzz of a bee, the wind softly whistling through the trees put a bounce in my step and a song in my heart. The laughter of children, the whirring sound of cars tires against pavement, the happy chatter of voices waiting for the movie, an orchestra performance or a dance recital to begin, reminds me to reflect on and appreciate human connection.  The sound of silence sometimes blares so loudly that tears and loneliness intrude upon my sense of peace and calm, while invoking a greater sense of appreciation for the support of family members and friends I have in my life.

Do you "feel" yourself walking, lifting your heel and then your toes, then in such perfect rhythm setting them back on the floor in front of you? Or watch your fingers as they obediently type or text a quick message? Do you appreciate the perfect rhythm of your beating heart, or the synchronized breathing of your lungs?

Do you stop to savor the sweet succulence of a juicy piece of fruit, the creamy texture of your favorite pasta sauce, or the heavenly satisfaction of a fudgy chocolate brownie? Are you conscious of every bite you take, present in the moment of enjoying a long awaited meal?

There is much to behold and discover and appreciate in every day life, but we tend to get caught up in the fast pace, the stress of deadlines, or the harsh realities of painful or difficult situations.

Here are some things that have helped me to stop the madness of life and enjoy the its more subtle beauties:
  1. EMBRACE YOUR CREATIVITY: I know, you  think you aren't creative, but I beg to differ. Every time you open your mouth to tell someone about the crazy, dramatic, exciting, or unfair details of your life you are drawing on your creative powers! You are constantly shaping and reinventing the story of you life. Once you come to terms with that reality, you're much more likely to think of yourself as a creative genius! So go with that and you decide...what story are you going to create today?
  2. LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH LESS LIMITATIONS: You know...the hesitation to try something new or different, the fear of how people might perceive you, that overwhelming urge to be in control, that "box" of predictable and safe and sane. Get rid of them. Step out and be spontaneous. Make up a bucket list of simple things, and another of things that might stretch you a bit, that you think would bring some fun or some adventure into your life and MAKE THEM HAPPEN! If I've said it once, I've said it a million times...Life is too short for regret!
  3. SEEK BEAUTY IN THE MUNDANE THINGS OF LIFE: Yes, rainbows, and skydiving, and breathtaking landscapes, and amazing artwork can be glorious to behold. But sometimes beauty is found in the moments and places we least expect it...the tiny fingers and toes of a newborn baby, the feel of freshly laundered sheets, the fragrance of a gentle summer rain. the blossoming of a sunflower, or the wrinkles in the soft aging skin around your grandmother's eyes.
  4. SEE LIFE THROUGH A SERIES OF "FIRSTS": Imagine being able to hear music, see vibrant colors, taste chocolate, smell bread baking in the oven, or use your arms to hug someone for the very first time. There's so much we take for granted because it's what we've always known. 
  5. PRIORITIZE YOUR PASSION: We are sometimes so caught up in a world of deadlines and things we think must be done, and putting so much time and energy into having everything done to perfection, we sometimes forget to make the things we love to do a priority. If you're easily distracted, schedule out a block of time to do only that which you WANT to do. It may only be 30 minutes or an hour, or more, but left unscheduled it may never happen.
  6. FOCUS ON THE GOOD AND POSITIVE IN LIFE: It's so much easier to dwell on the negative, unfortunate, difficult, obnoxious details of life. Give your mind and your heart a break. Keep a gratitude journal, make a happiness list, or consciously look for the positive, uplifting, faith promoting happenings of the day. It will change your mindset and your perspective!
Life is a mix of good and bad, happy and sad; reach for the joy and cherish the simple charm and delight of each new day. 

I'm all in! Are you with me?

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