"You never know how strong you are until strong is your only choice"
"True strength is keeping everything together when everyone expects you to fall apart"
"When life knocks you down, get up and show the world how strong you are"
"Be strong now because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever"
Blah Blah Blah Yada Yada Yada...
Strong is good. Endurance is amazing. Positive attitude is wonderful. But giving your all, doing your best, standing up for yourself, using your voice, pushing through the crap and the pain...until you just can't anymore SUCKS. Sometimes you just have to sit still and let go and drop to your knees and let the world kick you in the face because swimming endlessly in the deep merciless ocean is exhausting.
For way too long, I've been pushing through and talking myself crazy positive and working my butt off to "get it right". I've paid the price, done the work, made the changes, cheered myself on, smiled through the tears, and kept my chin up. Yes, I've cleaned up a huge "mess" but the debris keeps falling and no matter how hard I race around to catch and discard it in an effort to be free of the ugliness in my life, I can't keep such a ferocious pace anymore. I'm exhausted. "I don't want the crap, but the dog keeps pooping."
Being strong means sometimes you just have to slow down and let things fall apart for a bit. There's nothing wrong with admitting "it is what it is". Just like you can't relentlessly push yourself physically without severe consequences, neither can you expect to run long term emotionally at peak performance without an eventual break down.
So how do you pace yourself emotionally? Here are some things I've found to be helpful:
- Get a good nights sleep. I find this difficult to do sometimes, but I have noticed when I put forth a good effort to be in bed at a reasonable time it helps immensely. I'm a night owl, so time gets away from me really easy; setting an alarm has helped immensely in giving me plenty of time to unwind and relax before I actually attempt to go to sleep. I've also found my sleep is affected dramatically if I eat anything past 6:30pm and/or if I indulge in sugary or starchy late afternoon or evening snacks.
- Take frequent breaks. Physical breaks are necessary in pacing yourself throughout the day. But did you ever consider how helpful emotional breaks might be? Allow yourself small chunks of "mindless" activity. For instance, play a game on your phone, watch a feel good show or movie, do a crossword puzzle, take a 20 minute power nap. watch the sun set or rise, or go for a leisurely walk around the block.
- Keep yourself hydrated. Sounds quirky, but you know when you need to get blood drawn and they tell you to drink lots of water? If your blood needs water to flow more easily, doesn't it make sense that your brain might need water to help it function better? Can you imagine trying to think or reason with a dried up dehydrated brain? Yeah, me neither.
- Take a mental health day. Just like you have to pay attention when you're physically sick or run down, the same goes for your emotional/mental health. If you're not up to par, recognize it for what it is and do what's necessary to help yourself heal. Chat with a friend, write in your journal, wrap up in a warm blanket and watch a movie, get some extra sleep, or do a jigsaw puzzle. Spend the entire day in your pajamas. Take a break from your phone and email. Leave the "to do" list for another day. Of course if this goes on for say a couple of weeks or longer, you may need to seek professional help.
- Eat small healthy snacks throughout the day. Your brain needs energy and nourishment as much as your body does. Be careful to feed your brain, not your emotions.
- Give yourself time. There's no deadline or hurry for taking care of your emotional needs. You know better than anyone how you're feeling, what you're dealing with, how much you can handle, where your boundaries need to be; don't let anyone tell you "there's not time for time off". Nothing and no one is more important than your well-being. The harder you push, the harder you fall and the more time it's going to take to recover.
I'm all in! Are you with me?