Sunday, August 27, 2017

18 Effective Ways To Beat Stress

You ever feel this way? Boy I have! And it's harsh. The enormous stresses of life staring me in the face...and I just want to run and hide. But, in the fog of confusion I can't see which direction to go for cover. I know I can't just stand there because the stress is going to destroy me, but I can't escape; I feel helpless and completely overwhelmed. I'm not talking about depression. If you have symptoms of depression you need to seek professional help.

But here are 18 powerful ways I've used (yes, every one of them!) to help me that help me clear the fog and conquer the stress:

  1. Pay attention to your breathing: Seriously. Stop what you're doing and take. a. deep. breath. Close your eyes. And be still. And breath. In and out. Again. And again. For 2-3 minutes just feel yourself breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  2. Stop the people pleasing: This is yours. Remember you're in the front seat and you are in control! Never mind what your mom, or your sibling, or your best friend's aunt's first cousin thinks. In the end, you will be the one dealing with the outcome. Don't let anyone else get in your head or your heart without your permission.
  3. Write it down: Grab your journal or just a piece of scratch paper and write down what's stressing you. This doesn't necessarily resolve anything, but it helps to get it out of your head. Sometimes it even helps put it all in perspective. It may or may not be as big a deal as your brain led you to believe.
  4. Eat well: Yep. It's the truth! Eating junk food, skipping meals, stuffing your face with whatever is in front of you makes you FEEL LIKE CRAP! Yes, it takes time and effort and a little planning to eat healthy, but you can do it! I'm not saying you can't have that piece of chocolate...or even the whole candy bar. Just don't eat an entire bag. If breakfast isn't your thing, or you don't have time for lunch, please reconsider. Seriously, have some fruit or nuts or some fresh vegetables on hand to grab when you're feeling hungry or you've just got the munchies. It will help you in the long run. You don't have to overhaul your whole diet...right Just make a small change. One change eventually leads to another and another.
  5. Practice gratitude: Really, I get it. When life sucks, it's next to impossible to find something to be grateful for. But just look around and I know you can find at least one. My go to, when I'm struggling to be grateful is my completely functional limbs. When I start to imagine how difficult my life would be without them, it puts things in perspective. Things can ALWAYS be worse!
  6. Listen to relaxing music: Music is magic for me. I have a playlist on my phone that helps me feel calm and peaceful. I lay on my bed and close my eyes and escape the misery of life. Sometimes I only have 5 minutes, other times I can get away with an hour or more. But it helps me decompress every single time.
  7. Take on a tactile hobby: When you put yourself behind everyone else, you miss out! I spent my first 45 years of life wishing I could play the piano. I couldn't afford lessons, but I spent $100 for a very small and ridiculously simple keyboard/simplified music and flash cards and taught myself. Eventually I "graduated" to a used piano and enjoyed hours of playing the simplest compositions I could find to learn and enjoy. I'm no prodigy, and I'm not good enough to entertain the crowd, but I LOVE doing it for me. I've also taken up drawing and crocheting. I've read books to gather knowledge and skill from the local library, looked up "how to" articles on the internet, and watched hours of video on YouTube. It's fun. And it's relaxing. And it's just for me.
  8. Schedule small adventures: Get away. Just for an hour or two, or make a day of it. Take a friend. Take your family. Or go by yourself (just make sure someone knows where you're headed so they know where to look if you come up missing!) If you do a little research you can find all kinds of interesting destinations reasonably close to your location. Time away even for just an hour or two can make all the difference when you're feeling overwhelmed or burned out.
  9. Look at the big picture: Change your perspective. Believe it or not, "this too shall be a memory". That's not to say it's not hard, gut wrenching, or uncomfortable (whatever the case may be). But, time and patience and faith promote healing. There may be scars, but wounds DO heal. Cut yourself some slack. Step back. And take just one day at a time.
  10. Go for a walk: It doesn't have to be long. Just walk for 5 minutes. Then turn around and walk back to where you started. Even that little bit of time and activity can make a difference in the way you feel.
  11. Meditate: Go somewhere quiet and just be alone. As you relax, acknowledge and observe all that's happening around you...pleasant or unpleasant. Empty your mind and just observe, without reacting. Feel and hear your heart beating. Feel and hear your lungs breathing. Be still.
  12. Watch something funny: My go to's are "I Love Lucy" and "The Dick Van Dyke Show". Sometimes I indulge and enjoy a marathon.
  13. Take smaller steps: Break up your routine. Make your "to do" list more manageable with smaller steps to your end goal. Prioritize. Take care of what's most important first and leave the less important details for another day. Don't force yourself to run if you're only able to crawl.
  14. Schedule tasks: I used to think this a ridiculous idea...just make a list and get it done! But, I've learned that scheduling takes the stress out of getting everything accomplished. helps me to be realistic about what I actually can accomplish. Very helpful! You should try it if you haven't already.
  15. Take a long shower or soak in the tub: This is one of my favorites! I LOVE standing in a warm shower, feeling the soothing water run off of me. There are days I  would literally choose to stand in the shower all day long if I thought I could get away with it. Soaking in the tub doesn't do much for me...but I've heard it works for a lot of other people.
  16. Pay attention to your sleep schedule: I can't stress this enough. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day is essential to dealing with stress. My sleep is affected by so many factors, I have to be SUPER conscious. I can't eat too late, I need about an hour before bed to unwind, I have to watch my sugar intake during the day, I'm not a caffeine drinker but I've heard that can also be a deterrent. Pay attention. Track your habits to see what you can improve so you can get more effective sleep. It's essential for the health of your body AND your brain.
  17. Disconnect: Ugh! Smart phones, tablets, television, computers...sometimes my brain goes on overload. If I'm not careful technology rules my life! Track how much time you actually spend on any kind of device and you'll be shocked at the reality vs your perception. We need more human connection in our lives. Play games with your family, go on a date with your spouse, have chat time with a friend, find a volunteering opportunity in your community, look for occasion to do random acts of kindness throughout your day. You'll have fewer headaches, less neck and back pain, more mental focus, a more pleasant attitude, less anxiety, more fun and a whole new appreciation for life! I know. It's hard. But you can do hard things!
  18. Prepare: This sounds ridiculously simple. But it's an important aspect of de-stressing. Prepare for your day the night before. Make your to do list. Set out your clothes. Set your priorities. Find your voice and be prepared to use it. Do your homework. Clean the kitchen and tidy up the house. Call the babysitter well in advance. Write appointments down on your calendar. Coordinate your family schedules. Schedule time for yourself. For heaven's sake, DON'T be the creator of your own crisis! Prepare. Prepare. Prepare!
I hope you'll find these helpful! 

I'm all in! Are you with me?

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